I had a duty shift at work yesterday, so I couldn’t work on coding at all, but I spent a lot of time mentally working through methods for ramps and ladders and talking it over with some of my nerdier coworkers. I came home today and immediately sat down at the computer to put everything into motion (pun fully intended). It took some finagling, and I’m still not 100% satisfied with the movement style of the dude walking up a ramp, but I managed to get ramps, ladders, and one way platforms finished off in just a few hours. I tested everything out, and I’m satisfied that collision detection is about as done as it’s going to get. Now it’s time to start designing some enemy behaviors. I think I might try and translate some of my Python source code over from my deployment project; I had all of the Feudal Japan level bad guys fully programmed, and while the physics are going to be a little different, I can at least use it as a guideline. Of course, having worked all day yesterday, I’m ridiculously tired, though I should have pretty much all of tomorrow to work on things. I should probably try and pace myself to make sure I don’t get burned out too quickly. There’s also a tornado watch in effect right now, and I can hear thunder off in the distance. I’ve got a bad habit of not saving my work often enough, and perhaps I’d be better off taking a nap for now and not tempting fate.
Concept art for final boss- stage 3 |
Nice to be known as a “Nerdie coworker” lol. I’m going to keep checking in to see how it’s going, looks good, just like you described. I was thinking of looking into a little python myself this upcoming underway, got a few books, but mostly i’m going to demo a bunch of other game making programs to see if there are any that stand out to me. Just to goof around mostly, i highly doubt i could make anything as advanced as what you have there. Keep it up.
I mentioned a few in one of my previous posts; Construct had a lot going for it, but just wasn’t quite what I was looking for. Torque is pretty awesome, and there’s a version specifically for the ipad/ipod if you’re interested in mobile games. And Pygame is definitely one of the most well put-together programming resources I’ve seen yet.